Wader Quest Summer Newsletter is online!

After a slight delay occasioned by the Birdfair, the long awaited Summer Newsletter from Wader Quest is out.

Vol. 9 – Issue 2: Summer 2020

Here is a list of contents:

2: Wader Quest information.
3-6: Wader Quest news.
7-13: Wader Quest Brasil news.
14-16 Global Birdfair summary.
17: Wing Threads update.
18-19: Road construction disturbance to nesting Little Ringed Plovers.
19: Photo essay: The case for protecting Schaste Bay, Russia.
20: Book review: A Quest for Waders.
21: Shorebird Northward Migration Through Bohai Bay,
China, April – June 2022.
      Meet the man guarding endangered New Zealand
Dotterels – A video link.
      From the library.

22: News from Margarita Island, Venezuela.
23-25: The Sands Of Change: Series 2 Episode 11
26-29: Wader news from around the world – in brief.
30-34: Cover picture Bristle-thighed Curlew.
34: The Wader Guru.
35: Birds in art – Trudi Clarke.
36-42: Wader Quest shop.
43: Guidelines for applications for Wader Quest grants
& disbursements made