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England’s Estuaries Being Left Exposed

Over half of England’s estuaries are at risk of losing essential habitats. A combination of rising seas, lower drought river levels and new weirs and dams are shrinking these vital habitats. Locally, estuaries play host to many species of wader but … Continued

Planting Trees can Decrease Wader Populations

We all know the benefits of reforestation. Reversing human land conversion, increasing carbon capture and reinstating habitats can be no bad thing, right? However, there is more to consider here, such as the species that use open spaces, such as … Continued

Losing Saline Lakes will take Phalarope Species down too

Two species of Phalaropes, the Wilson’s Phalarope (Phalaropus tricolor) and the Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) use North American saline lakes for their mid-life stages. Virtually all Wilson’s Phalaropes stage here, with up to 60% of the population spotted in a single lake’s … Continued

Global BirdFair 2022

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Save the date! Come and find us at the Global BirdFair at the Rutland Showground, in Oakham, UK on the 16th or 17th of July to hear our talk entitled ‘Wader Passion – 10 years of caring’. Saturday 16th July, … Continued

The Plight of the Asian Dowitcher

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Although not one of the most famous wader species, the plight of the Asian Dowitcher Limnodromus semipalmatus is one which deserves more attention. Almost the entire global population of this species are supported by the East Asian-Australasian Flyway, with the most important waterbird … Continued
