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When is a wader not a wader?

The answer to that thorny question is…                                            …when it becomes a gull! That’s when. Anyone who knows me well, … Continued

Volume 10; Issue 4 newsletter published

In this issue – 2: Wader Quest information. 3: Wader Quest news. 4: 2024 Species Focus 5-6: When is a wader not a wader? (Taxonomic updates) 7-8: List of Charadrii (waders / shorebirds) 9-10: List of Charadrii… there’s more! 11:  … Continued

The Wader Guru.

Coming soon to the Wader Quest website, the Wader Guru. This is a panel of experts who are waiting to answer any questions you may have regarding waders/shorebirds. The page will have many FAQs, the number and scope of which … Continued
