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Wader Quest focus species for 2025 announced at AGM

At the recent AGM held on 24th November voting members were asked to vote on which species is to be the focus species for 2025. The assembled members were presented with a choice between Eurasian Oystercatcher and Common Redshank Following … Continued

Newsletter Volume 11 Issue 2 released

In this Issue 2: Wader Quest information. 3-5: Wader Quest news. 5: Grants panel updates. 6: Open garden raising funds for Wader Quest. 7: Fun facts about Curlews. 8-15: Severn and Avon Vales Curlew Project updates . 16: Wader news … Continued

Wader Quest’s year so far.

This year, 2024, we are championing the Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata as our species of the year. The reasons for this are clear. It is a species in peril, being recognised as Near Threatened by the IUCN and on the … Continued

Planting Trees can Decrease Wader Populations

We all know the benefits of reforestation. Reversing human land conversion, increasing carbon capture and reinstating habitats can be no bad thing, right? However, there is more to consider here, such as the species that use open spaces, such as … Continued

Wader Quest Brasil / Projeto Aves Limícolas update

The indefatigable team of Bruno Lima and Karina Ávila of Wader Quest Brasil / Projeto Aves Limícolas, recently attended an event in Ilha Comprida (Long Island – São Paulo) with the Ilha Comprida Bird watching Club (Clube de Observadores de … Continued

Countdown to WCWW8; 3 days to go

This week we are counting down to Wader Conservation World Watch, with artworks from five fantastic artists. So to our third artist now that we only have three days to go, and todays featured wader is Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus, … Continued
