Another successful AGM
On the 27th of November 2022 we held our virtual AGM via Microsoft Teams and it all went according to plan, largely due to the effort, ideas and planning carried out by Elizabeth Anderson, who hosted the event, and Secretary … Continued
WCWW9 begins!
Going birding on the 5th and or 6th of November? If so, no matter where you are in the world, let us know what waders or shorebirds you see on those days and stand up to say I CARE about wader … Continued
Planting Trees can Decrease Wader Populations
We all know the benefits of reforestation. Reversing human land conversion, increasing carbon capture and reinstating habitats can be no bad thing, right? However, there is more to consider here, such as the species that use open spaces, such as … Continued
The Wader Guru.
Coming soon to the Wader Quest website, the Wader Guru. This is a panel of experts who are waiting to answer any questions you may have regarding waders/shorebirds. The page will have many FAQs, the number and scope of which … Continued
News from Margarita Island – Venezuela
Earlier this year Wader Quest supported a project in northern Venezuela to study the population of Wilson’s Plovers Charadrius wilsonia of the subspecies cinnamominus on Margarita Island. The study, which is part of the ELVONAL Shorebird initiative, concerns the effect … Continued
Wader Conservation World Watch; it’s just around the corner.
Wader Conservation World Watch 8 is nearly upon us. It is easy to take part and a worthy cause to support. The usual process applies, simply Go out and see waders/shorebirds Make a list of what you see, where and … Continued
Global Bird Day – Join Team Wader Quest
The 8th to the 10th of October is Global Bird Weekend and on the 9th is Global Big Day. Each year teams and individuals go out birding and report their sightings to eBird. This year, since the idea is to … Continued
Clive Minton remembered in Broome…
For many years now there has been talk of an interpretative centre at the marvellous Broome Bird Observatory. This has finally come to fruition in the form of the Clive Minton Discovery Centre, named and dedicated to the late Clive … Continued