Wader Quest at Birdfair 2024 summary
Over the weekend of the 12th to the 14th of July Wader Quest attended the Global Birdfair at Lyndon Top, Rutland. It made a lovely change to have pretty much perfect weather for the event, it didn’t rain, and it … Continued
Volume 10; Issue 4 newsletter published
In this issue – 2: Wader Quest information. 3: Wader Quest news. 4: 2024 Species Focus 5-6: When is a wader not a wader? (Taxonomic updates) 7-8: List of Charadrii (waders / shorebirds) 9-10: List of Charadrii… there’s more! 11: … Continued
Wader Quest Volume 10 Issue 2 newsletter out now.
Vol 10 Issue 2: 2023 Wader Quest newsletter is published today, please click on the picture link to view. Contents included in this issue; 2: Wader Quest information. 3-6: Wader Quest news. 7-8: Wader Quest Brasil. 9: Wader Quest South … Continued
Losing Saline Lakes will take Phalarope Species down too
Two species of Phalaropes, the Wilson’s Phalarope (Phalaropus tricolor) and the Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) use North American saline lakes for their mid-life stages. Virtually all Wilson’s Phalaropes stage here, with up to 60% of the population spotted in a single lake’s … Continued
Global Birdfair a great success
Wader Quest attended the recent Global Bird Fair, which was a great success. We were privileged to have two talk sessions one on Saturday and the other on Sunday when Rick Simpson talked bout why we are so passionate about … Continued
New Wader Quest Online Shop Launched
It is now easier to buy through our shop Christmas is nearly upon us, last posting date is looming. Shop now! Get your orders in quickly! Lots to choose from for your wader loving friend or relative from pin badges … Continued