Wader Swamp Shooting In The Caribbean.
posted in: American Golden, Arenaria, Bartramia, Calidris, canutus, Declines, delicata, dominica, Dowitchers, flavipes, Gallinago, Godwits, Greater, Grey, griseus, haemastica, himantopus, Hudsonian, Hudsonian Whimbrel, hudsonicus, interpres, Lesser, Limnodromus, Limosa, longicauda, melanoleuca, melanota, Migration, Numenius, Our Blogs, Pectoral Sandpiper, Plovers, Pluvialis, Red Knot, Ruddy, Sandpipers, Satellite Tagging, Science and Research, semipalmata, Short-billed, Snipes, squatarola, Stilt, Tringa, Turnstones, Upland, Wader Conservation, Whimbrels, Willet, Wilson's, Yellowlegs |
Most of the migratory shorebird species breeding in eastern North America and the Arctic pass over the Caribbean region during late August, September. As they do they may encounter severe tropical storms and use the islands as refuges. Hunting clubs … Continued