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Splits, reshuffles and renaming of the plovers and two thick-knees

You will probably now be aware that the Lesser Sand Plover has been split into two species, meaning Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus becomes Siberian Sand Plover C. mongolus and Tibetan Sand Plover C. atrifrons… or does it? ‘Fraid not! … Continued

Volume 10; Issue 4 newsletter published

In this issue – 2: Wader Quest information. 3: Wader Quest news. 4: 2024 Species Focus 5-6: When is a wader not a wader? (Taxonomic updates) 7-8: List of Charadrii (waders / shorebirds) 9-10: List of Charadrii… there’s more! 11:  … Continued

Irish Government announces a scheme to protect breeding waders – By Aberdeen Powell

On October 10th, 2023, the Irish Government announced a scheme to protect breeding waders in the republic, as part of a broad investment in nature and the environment. The scheme, which includes a €30 million investment in the Breeding Wader … Continued

Wader Quest Volume 10 Issue 2 newsletter out now.

Vol 10 Issue 2: 2023 Wader Quest newsletter is published today, please click on the picture link to view. Contents included in this issue; 2: Wader Quest information. 3-6: Wader Quest news. 7-8: Wader Quest Brasil. 9: Wader Quest South … Continued

2022/3 Wader Quest Grants Summary

As the financial years draws to a close, it is worth looking back to see what species Wader Quest helped to conserve by making grants or donations during that time. As always a number of projects are overseas and there, … Continued

Planting Trees can Decrease Wader Populations

We all know the benefits of reforestation. Reversing human land conversion, increasing carbon capture and reinstating habitats can be no bad thing, right? However, there is more to consider here, such as the species that use open spaces, such as … Continued

Wader Quest Brasil / Projeto Aves Limícolas update

The indefatigable team of Bruno Lima and Karina Ávila of Wader Quest Brasil / Projeto Aves Limícolas, recently attended an event in Ilha Comprida (Long Island – São Paulo) with the Ilha Comprida Bird watching Club (Clube de Observadores de … Continued

News from Margarita Island – Venezuela

Earlier this year Wader Quest supported a project in northern Venezuela to study the population of Wilson’s Plovers Charadrius wilsonia of the subspecies cinnamominus on Margarita Island. The study, which is part of the ELVONAL Shorebird initiative, concerns the effect … Continued
