When is a wader not a wader?
The answer to that thorny question is… …when it becomes a gull! That’s when. Anyone who knows me well, … Continued
Despite their short legs Pratincoles are waders in the family Glareolidae. Pratincoles catch their prey while flying, like swallows and are sometimes called sea-swallows.
The answer to that thorny question is… …when it becomes a gull! That’s when. Anyone who knows me well, … Continued
Earlier this year we asked pin badge enthusiasts which two species, from a list of four (Red Knot, Common Snipe, Terek Sandpiper and Collared Pratincole), they would most like to see in the Wader Quest collection. Adding together all the … Continued
Australian Wader Study Group Satellite Tagging update #4 Latest satellite tagging news from AWSG. Update #4 for 2020, showing the movements of Eurasian Whimbrels and Oriental Pratincoles. Oriental Pratincole SEP back on the breeding grounds in Karnataka, India Full details … Continued