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Newsletter Volume 11 Issue 2 released

In this Issue 2: Wader Quest information. 3-5: Wader Quest news. 5: Grants panel updates. 6: Open garden raising funds for Wader Quest. 7: Fun facts about Curlews. 8-15: Severn and Avon Vales Curlew Project updates . 16: Wader news … Continued

Wader Quest’s year so far.

This year, 2024, we are championing the Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata as our species of the year. The reasons for this are clear. It is a species in peril, being recognised as Near Threatened by the IUCN and on the … Continued

Recent Wader Quest grants.

Like everyone else, Wader Quest has suffered from the recent lean times, but, we have still been able to fund some very interesting projects already this year. As the income has been reduced due to a lack of events and … Continued

A mythical Māori bird is gone, but its name still lives on (albeit in an extinct bird!)

This is a story that would sit well in the pages of An Inspiration Of Waders, our last book where we investigated how waders have inspired, among other things, myths and legends. This is the story of the Hakawai, a … Continued
