British Summer-Visiting Breeding Waders
posted in: Actitis, Burhinus, Charadrius, Common Sandpiper, Dotterel, dubius, Eggs, Esacus, Eurasian Dotterel, Eurasian Stone-Curlew, Eurasian Whimbrel, Godwits, hypoleucos, Limosa, Little Ringed Plover, lobatus, morinellus, mythology, Numenius, oedicnemus, Our Blogs, phaeopus, Phalaropes, Phalaropus, Red-necked Phalarope, Satellite Tagging, Stone-Curlews and Thick-knees |
There are 78 species of waders on the British list (78 BOU categories A,B & C), the majority are rare vagrants (45), others passage migrants (6), a number are with us all year as residents (13), although some of those … Continued