A time of renewal.
As winter drags us through its deepest, darkest days, the calendar year closes and a new one opens. It is then we all begin to think of renewal, looking forward to when the season changes and new life begins, bringing … Continued
As winter drags us through its deepest, darkest days, the calendar year closes and a new one opens. It is then we all begin to think of renewal, looking forward to when the season changes and new life begins, bringing … Continued
This year, 2024, we are championing the Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata as our species of the year. The reasons for this are clear. It is a species in peril, being recognised as Near Threatened by the IUCN and on the … Continued
As the financial years draws to a close, it is worth looking back to see what species Wader Quest helped to conserve by making grants or donations during that time. As always a number of projects are overseas and there, … Continued
Like everyone else, Wader Quest has suffered from the recent lean times, but, we have still been able to fund some very interesting projects already this year. As the income has been reduced due to a lack of events and … Continued
Wader Conservation World Watch 6 Newsletter Special Firstly, we would like to thank each and every one of our participants for their contribution this year, your support means a lot to us and we appreciate it very much. It is … Continued