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Newsletter Volume 11 Issue 2 released

In this Issue 2: Wader Quest information. 3-5: Wader Quest news. 5: Grants panel updates. 6: Open garden raising funds for Wader Quest. 7: Fun facts about Curlews. 8-15: Severn and Avon Vales Curlew Project updates . 16: Wader news … Continued

Wader Quest and the Big Green Hike

On the weekend of the 6th or 7th of April we will be striding out to raise money for Wader Quest by joining the Big Green Hike 2024.   Rick and Elis Simpson plan to do a hike from their home into … Continued

Latest newsletter released Vol. 11 Iss. 1

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In this issue: 2: Wader Quest information 3: Wader Quest news 4- 5: Grants awarded 6: News from Brazil 7: Fundraising news; Big Green Hike 2024 8: Fundraising News; My Giving Circle grant / Republic of Ireland’s National Bird 9: … Continued

When is a wader not a wader?

The answer to that thorny question is…                                            …when it becomes a gull! That’s when. Anyone who knows me well, … Continued

Association of Animal Artists auction opens today – raising money for Wader Quest.

Th AAA annual Postcard Auction is open for bidding from today.   As an animal loving association, every year AAA organises events to raise money for its chosen animal charity. For this auction the AAA members very kindly create and … Continued

Wader Quest Summer Newsletter is online!

After a slight delay occasioned by the Birdfair, the long awaited Summer Newsletter from Wader Quest is out. Vol. 9 – Issue 2: Summer 2020 Here is a list of contents:    

The Wader Guru.

Coming soon to the Wader Quest website, the Wader Guru. This is a panel of experts who are waiting to answer any questions you may have regarding waders/shorebirds. The page will have many FAQs, the number and scope of which … Continued
