WCWW missing species and countries
Over the years we have had many species of wader reported to us, but here is a list of species that we have never had reported during the event. Perhaps you will be able to find one this weekend an … Continued
Newsletter Volume 11 Issue 2 released
In this Issue 2: Wader Quest information. 3-5: Wader Quest news. 5: Grants panel updates. 6: Open garden raising funds for Wader Quest. 7: Fun facts about Curlews. 8-15: Severn and Avon Vales Curlew Project updates . 16: Wader news … Continued
Global Birdfair a great success
Wader Quest attended the recent Global Bird Fair, which was a great success. We were privileged to have two talk sessions one on Saturday and the other on Sunday when Rick Simpson talked bout why we are so passionate about … Continued
Final results of WCWW8 now published.
After a great deal of email and list checking, we are finally able to reveal the results of the 8th Wader Conservation World Watch. Last year was a great surprise to us, the rise in numbers was startling, especially as … Continued
Countdown to WCWW8; 3 days to go
This week we are counting down to Wader Conservation World Watch, with artworks from five fantastic artists. So to our third artist now that we only have three days to go, and todays featured wader is Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus, … Continued
Countdown to WCWW8; 4 days to go
This week we are counting down to Wader Conservation World Watch, with artworks from five fantastic artists. Now only four days to go to Wader Conservation World Watch and today we are celebrating the Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata, which is … Continued