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Latest newsletter released Vol. 11 Iss. 1

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In this issue: 2: Wader Quest information 3: Wader Quest news 4- 5: Grants awarded 6: News from Brazil 7: Fundraising news; Big Green Hike 2024 8: Fundraising News; My Giving Circle grant / Republic of Ireland’s National Bird 9: … Continued

Wader Quest Summer Newsletter is online!

After a slight delay occasioned by the Birdfair, the long awaited Summer Newsletter from Wader Quest is out. Vol. 9 – Issue 2: Summer 2020 Here is a list of contents:    

Wader Conservation World Watch; it’s just around the corner.

Wader Conservation World Watch 8 is nearly upon us. It is easy to take part and a worthy cause to support. The usual process applies, simply Go out and see waders/shorebirds Make a list of what you see, where and … Continued
