Scientific Name:
Actophilornis albinucha
(I. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1832 ‘Parra albinucha’)
Actophilornis – Greek; akte riverbank, coastal strand; philos loving (phileo to love); ornis bird.
albinucha – Latin albus – white; Medieval Latin nucha – nape
Alternative English names: Malagasy Jacana.
French names: Jacana à nuque blanche, Jacana malgache
Malagasy names: Fandionga, Piritry, Tsikai.
Madagascar Jacana Fact File
Distribution: Madagascar – Endemic
Conservation Status: Near Threatened
Subspecies: None – Monotypic
Further Reading: The World’s Wattled Waders
Current conservation efforts
With thanks to the following photographers: Laval Roy
Where stated, images are subject to CC license