Scientific Name:
Esacus magnirostris
Beach Thick-knee Fact File
Distribution: Malay peninsula, Philippines and Australia
Conservation Status: Near Threatened
Subspecies: None – Monotypic
Current conservation efforts
Together with the Sooty Oystercatcher, Pied Oystercatcher, Red-capped Plover and Hooded Plover, the Beach Thick-knee is protected as part of BirdLife Australia’s “Beach-nesting Birds project”. This long running project was established in 2006 to
- Raise awareness among beach users about beach-nesting birds
- Train local volunteers to monitor beach-nesting birds, identify threats and improve management
- Protect eggs and chicks through temporary fencing, signage, artificial shelters
- Research new ways of protecting birds and improving breeding success
Read more about how this excellent incentive is helping these beach-nesting birds: