If you are determined that our future generations will be able to witness and enjoy the wonderful places that waders, of all kinds, enhance by their presence, then you can help sustain these inspiring birds for future generations and leave a lasting legacy by remembering Wader Quest in your will or other estate plans.
Remember a Charity, is a service from the Institute of Fundraising, which has clear, step-by-step guides on making a will… https://www.rememberacharity.org.uk/making-a-will/
…and also on leaving a gift to charity: https://www.rememberacharity.org.uk/leaving-a-gift/how-to-leave-a-gift-in-your-will/
Remember a Charity also enables you write your Will, online free of charge, with the help of the online Wills provider Bequeathed. The service can be accessed directly here: https://www.bequeathed.org/racfree
To get expert advice on the drafting of a Will, The Law Society of England and Wales provides a ‘Find a Solicitor’ service, which can be filtered based on your location and accessibility needs: https://solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk/.